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Internet Marketing

Content that Writes Itself?

J. Michael Straczynski is one of the most prolific writers today, writing 10 hours a day, six days a week (according to his promotional material). With that kind of dedication, surely writing always comes easily and naturally to him, right? Well, no. Like the rest of us, he has his days where things just don’t… Read more

Internet Security

Spam Be Gone!

Over the past three weeks we’ve seen a lot of examples of what a spam comment looks like. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they generally have one or more of these traits in common: Links to suspicious-looking sites Generic commentary that may or may not have anything to do with your post… Read more

Internet Security

Spam Hunting

The last two weeks we’ve dealt with the whys and wherefores of blog comment spam, and some common tactics those sneaky little devils use to try and get themselves published on your blog. For a refresher, visit the Spam Post Part 1 and Spam Post Part 2. This week, we have a continued look at… Read more

Internet Security

Spam on Your Blog!

By now you’re blogging regularly on your business site. Right? Of course right! Now that you are, you’ll be getting comments on your blog. Hopefully those comments form a useful discussion, coming from people who are genuinely interested in what you’re saying. Alas, not all comments are from legitimate readers of your wonderful content. Especially… Read more

Web Design

Optimizing for Non-Existent (?) Customers

How heavily have you invested in mobile? If you’re an online retailer, a new report suggests that you may have been investing too much. According to recent research by Forrester Research, as reported in the Seattle Times, mobile transactions accounted for a tiny fraction of e-commerce spending in 2012. The total was around $5 billion,… Read more

Building a Website, Technology

Save Your Clicks

2013 is keeping us plenty busy so far. That being the case, we’re looking at ways to maximize our use of time. In that spirit, today’s post is particularly relevant for us, and we hope it’s helpful for you as well. A few weeks ago we covered how you can quickly save your work on… Read more

Internet Marketing, Web Design

New Year, Slightly New Design

Last week we took an introductory look at some of the problems that can pop up when you make drastic changes to your site overnight. This week, we’re focusing on a style of design process that can ease the transitions. First a word about practicality. For all the talk last week about the problems inherent… Read more

Internet Marketing, Web Design

New Year, New Design?

January always brings with it the urge to make changes. New year’s resolutions result in a swarm of  suddenly weight-conscious folks descending on gyms for 2-3 weeks, before gradually reverting to their sedentary ways. As health experts have been preaching for years, most people fail to keep up with their exercise resolution because they try… Read more


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, and a very happy new year to all of you. This time of year always lends itself to reflection and anticipation. 2012 has certainly been a year of big changes around here, with the launch of the MWD Web brand and a whole new array of Web offerings. 2013 promises to be another… Read more