Internet Marketing
The Value of Split Testing
Split testing, or A/B testing, can provide valuable feedback about your online marketing efforts. Here’s a summary for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term. Say you have an email list of 100 subscribers, and you want to know if including the recipient’s name in the subject line will help your open rate.… Read more
Pay Attention to Your Web Site!
So you’ve got a new site with a CMS and blog that you can easily maintain. Congratulations! Now, pay attention to it. How many sites have you seen where they have a blog or a news section, but the latest entry is several months old? A stale site is just as bad, or worse, than… Read more
Invite, Don't Invade
Do you prefer to buy something? Or do you prefer to BE SOLD something? We’ve all experienced the high-pressure sales guy, who wants to sell you his product no matter what. He invades your space and makes you feel uncomfortable. While this tactic may work sometimes, the customer leaves with a bad taste in their… Read more