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Web Design

Is Your Web Site Design Obsolete?

Last week we examined how a new, flat design aesthetic is sweeping the internet. Flat is definitely the flavor of the month. So what does this mean for your site designed in the 3-d, skeuomorphic style? Don’t Panic Let’s get this out of the way: your site does not need an urgent, complete makeover. Well,… Read more

Web Design

Optimizing for Non-Existent (?) Customers

How heavily have you invested in mobile? If you’re an online retailer, a new report suggests that you may have been investing too much. According to recent research by Forrester Research, as reported in the Seattle Times, mobile transactions accounted for a tiny fraction of e-commerce spending in 2012. The total was around $5 billion,… Read more

Technology, Web Design

What is Responsive Design?

Last week we looked at the clear and present need to make your site mobile-friendly. And, we teasingly suggested that this week we’ll look at the most elegant way to accomplish that. Fear not, the wait is at an end! You have a variety of options for making your site mobile-friendly: Create a completely separate… Read more

Technology, Web Design

Mobile first!

Did you know that smartphone sales outpaced desktop/laptop computer sales in 2011? More and more people are accessing the Web on the go, and your site has to be ready to meet them there. Moreover, as the mobile market penetration goes deeper and deeper, Web users are more and more going to expect an immediacy… Read more